
terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011


Cara ou coroa? - Heads or tails?
Com o passar do tempo ... - As time goes by ...
Cuide de sua vida! - Mind your own business!
Dá para perceber! -You can tell!
Dá um tempo! - Give me a break!
Deu pau! (computador) - It crashed!
É a sua vez - It's your turn
É aí que você entra - That's where you come in
E daí? - So what?
É por minha conta! - My treat!

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011


Agora estamos quites - Now we are even.
A Coca está choca (sem gas) - The Coke is flat.
A ligação caiu - I was cut off.
Aqui está! - Here you are!
Gregory amarelou - Gregory chickened out.
Afinal de contas ele é o chefe - After all he is the boss.
Ela é minha alma gêmea - She is my soul mate.

quinta-feira, 12 de maio de 2011


GOTCHA! é usado no ingles escrito para representar as palavras
"GOT YOU" , quando são pronunciadas informalmente.

"GOT YOU" ( = GOTCHA) significa "peguei você".

Espero, com isso, ter esclarecido os dizeres das "lembrancinhas" relacionadas à morte de Bin Laden, como por exemplo a foto do "botton" que vocês me enviaram
com os dizeres:
"Gotcha! Osama Bin Laden"

Querem outro exemplo?
"Gotcha, didn't I?"

quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011

TO DISCUSS - sem preposição depois

Primeiro vamos desfazer a confusão:
TO DISCUSS é conversar com alguem à respeito de determinado assunto.
Depois de DISCUSS não usamos preposição, portanto não colocamos ABOUT.
Ex.: They usually discuss the games. (e não ABOUT THE GAMES).
Então, não se esqueça:

segunda-feira, 18 de abril de 2011

Curiosities of the years 1600 to 1700 - Part 1

1) The roofs of the houses had no ceilings and wooden beams were the best places for animals - dogs, cats, rats and beetles warmth. When it rained, the gutters forced the animals to jump to the ground. Thus, our expression "It’s raining knife" has its English equivalent in "it's raining cats and dogs”. 2)Those with money had plates of tin. Certain types of food oxidized the material, causing many people died poisoned. Let us remember that the hygienic habits of the time were bad . Tomatoes, being acids, were considered for a long time, poisonous. The tin cups were used for drinking beer or whiskey. This combination sometimes left the individual "on the ground" (a kind of narcolepsy-induced by mixing alcohol with oxide tin). Someone passing by the street might think he was dead, therefore retrieved the body and prepared the funeral. The body was then placed on the kitchen table for a few days and the family stood around in waking, eating, drinking and waiting to see if they would wake the dead or not. Then came the funeral, which is the vigil beside the coffin. England is a small country, where there was not always room to bury all the dead. Then the coffins were opened, the bones removed, placed in ossuaries, and the grave was used for another corpse. Sometimes, when they opened the coffins, they realized that there were scratches on covers, inside, indicating that the died, in fact, had been buried alive. Thus the idea that, when closing the coffin, to tie a strip on the wrist of the deceased, pass it through a hole made in the coffin and tie it to a bell. After the funeral, someone was on duty next to the tomb for a few days. If the person wakes up, the movement of his arm would make the bell ring. And he would be "saved by the bell " or "saved by gong, "a term used by us until today.

sábado, 26 de março de 2011

Curiosities of the years 1600 to 1700 - Part 2

When you visit the Palace of Versalles in Paris, observed that the sumptuous Palace has no bathrooms. In the Middle Ages, there were no toothbrushes, perfumes, deodorants, much less toilet paper. The human excrescences were dumped out of the windows of the palace. On the feast day, the palace kitchen could prepare for banquet 1,500 people without the minimum hygiene. We see in movies today people being waged. The explanation is not in heat, but the stench that oozed from under the skirts (which were purposely made to contain the odor of the genitals, since there were no hygiene). There wasn’t the custom to bathe due to both cold and almost absence of piped water. The odor had dissipated by the shaker. Only the nobles had lackeys to shake them to remove the stench that the body and mouth stank, it would also scare bugs away. Who has been to Versalles much admired the huge and beautiful gardens which, at that time, were not only contemplated, but "used" as toilet at the famous ballads promoted by the monarchy, because there was no bathroom. In the Middle Ages, most marriages took place in June (for them, early summer). The reason is simple: the first bath of the year was taken in May, so in June, the smell of people was still tolerable. However, as some odors were beginning to bother, brides carried bouquets of flowers, on the body, to disguise the smell. Hence the term "May " as the "Month Brides "and the explanation of the origin of the bridal bouquet. Baths were taken in a single tub, huge, full of hot water. The head of the family had the privilege of the first bath in clean water. Then, without changing the water, came the men of the house, in order of age, women, also by age and finally the children. The babies were the last to bathe. When it was their turn, the water from the tank was already so dirty that it was possible to "lose" a baby in there. That is why there is the English expression "do not throw the baby out with the bath water", i.e., literally "do not throw the baby out with the bath water", which is used today for the hastier person.

sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2011

INTERNET - algumas expressões

Connecting to the Internet
use/access/log onto the Internet/the Web
go online/on the Internet
have a high-speed/dial-up/broadband/wireless (Internet) connection
access/connect to/locate the server
use/open/close/launch a/your web browser
browse/surf/search/scour the Internet/the Web
send/contain/spread/detect a (computer/email) virus
update your anti-virus software
install/use/configure a firewall
accept/enable/block/delete cookies

Using the Internet
visit/check a website/an Internet site/somebody's blog
create/design/launch a website/social networking site
start/write/post/read a blog
update your blog/a website
be in/meet somebody in/go into/enter an Internet chat room
download/upload music/software/a song/a podcast/a file/a copy of something
hare information/data/files
post a comment/message on a website/an online message board/
a web forum/an internet chat room
stream video/audio/music/content over the Internet
join/participate in/visit/provide a (web-based/web/online/Internet/discussion) forum
generate/increase/monitor Internet traffic

E-mail - algumas expressões

receive/get/open an email
write/send/answer/forward/delete an email
check/read/access your email
block/filter (out) junk/spam/unsolicited email
exchange email addresses
open/check your inboxjunk mail
fills/floods/clogs your inbox
have/set up an email account
open/send/contain an attachment
sign up for/receive email alerts

segunda-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2011

E-mails - algumas informações

Os endereços de e-mail são constituidos de 2 partes: a primeira é o nome ou o apelido da pessoa. O símbolo @ (arroba) é lido AT, em ingles. A segunda parte é o nome do servidor (HOST, em ingles). Ele pode trazer dominio, tipo de organização, codigo do pais, codigo este que muitos paises omitem. Nos Estados Unidos os endereços de e-mail não possuem codigo do pais. Os elementos do HOST são separados por ponto (DOT, em ingles), sem espaço e sem ponto final.
To - para (endereço do destinatario)
Cc - Courtesy copy (copia de cortesia)
Bcc - Blind courtesy copy (cópia oculta)
Subject - (assunto da mensagem)